Online Safety
This is a list of articles about Online Safety and Best Practices. Please follow the advice!
Online Safety starts with having reliable computer equipment! Here’s a link to the best place to buy a PC: SimplyNUC.Com
We care about your online safety! So, we have written these articles to help you with this task! You can call us anytime you like. Ask any questions you may have. We’ll do our best to answer each one to your satisfaction!
In addition we can provide both “onsite” and “remote” tech support and computer usage training! We can train you to use most Linux and Windows software applications. Our training is tailored to fit the needs of each student. And for Seniors (age 55+) we only charge half of the usual hourly training fee!
Unfortunately we know that online activities will become more dangerous as time goes by. And we also know that there are NO long term solutions to this problem! To make matters worse the overall intelligence level of most Americans is very quickly going down, not up! The evidence for this is found in the number of Americans who believe in the religion of Evolution rather than the true science of Creation! (see my other website: StandUp4Jesus.Org)
In any case, it is obvious that there have been no safety considerations concerning AI or AGI development! And this will only add to the dangers of online activities!
In short, don’t expect your online activities to be “trouble free”! I can pretty much guarantee that they will involve quite a bit of trouble, even when putting some of this advice into action! So make backups of all of your data, at least once a month!
List Of Articles
Guarding Your Business Frontier : A Guide to Cybersecurity for Entrepreneurs
Database Safety And Best Practices
Please check out our other Articles!