Linux Mint Works!
If you want a copy of the very best OS on the planet click on this link: Linux Mint Cinnamon!
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In Linux Mint version 20.x there was a sound problem that showed up whenever you were playing KPatience card games! If you were also playing a music video from YouTube, then the sound would start crackling when you made a “foolish move” in the card game! But I installed Linux Mint version 21 yesterday. Today I decided to find out if the problem still persisted, but all staticky sounds are GONE…without any trace left! I still have not had time to find out how they accomplished this feat, but they did it!
With the elimination of this particular bug, I’m now comfortable in saying that Linux Mint 21 is a much better choice for ALL users of computers than ANY version of Windows, including and especially Windows 11! Using Linux you will be far more productive, you will run into far fewer “road blocks” in accomplishing your task, and you will end up with a much higher quality result!
Windows is currently dying a very slow and painful death! The main reasons it is a slow death are: people don’t like to learn new things, Microsoft advertising, Microsoft “pay for play”, and the fact that consultants can’t make much money from Linux…becuase it doesn’t break down very much, like Windows does! If you have not noticed yet, these are all very good reasons for you to try Linux Mint! Trust me, once you try it, you won’t want to go back to Windows!
If you depend on “Windows Only” software to run your business, then please try Linux Mint on a “non-critical” machine. You will be very impressed! And try to eliminate your dependence on Windows by migrating to “browser based” solutions! If you want help with this, please call me! (909) 367 – 8003
Printing with Linux can still be problematic with certain types of printers! So, you do need to pay attention to buying the best printers for Linux! This problem exists for two main reasons: printer manufacturers don’t like to cooperate with the Linux community very much, and Apple just turned against the Linux community by hoarding the source code for CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)! But someday soon these problems will be overcome by the Linux community, and ALL printing difficulties with Linux, will disappear!
Canon makes all of their printer drivers available to Linux users directly on the page describing each printer model that they make! They also provide the source code for the printer drivers. So, in view of their practices, I would recommend that you consider purchasing a Canon printer to ensure that it will work with Linux!
Smart people are planning for a future with Linux!