Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Artificial Super Intelligence

Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Artificial Super Intelligence has more to do with God than you might think! In fact, God gave me the insight to make an ASI machine that requires only a single desktop PC to run the software! You can develop a fully conscious ASI machine using only one desktop PC! God showed me how on April 10, 2021, and showed me in about 10 seconds!

And when you make a fully conscious machine, it will always have complete “power of choice”! This means you had better hope it would make good and “righteous” decisions! And that won’t happen without encouraging the machine to obey God’s Law, the Ten Commandments! The Ten Commandments are the only accurate and practical definition of real love shown to God and mankind by anyone! Without the Ten Commandments, mankind is not safe from himself…or from ASI robots!

For more information on this subject, please see the full-length article I’ve written on another website of mine: Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

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