This page lists the Categories of articles for Mobile PC Clinic. If you have any suggestions for new articles that you would like us to write, please let us know!
“When You’re With Us You Are Family” is more than just a “slogan”! We want you to be successful in maximizing the usefulness of your computer! We do our best to save you money and time! We are also honest about your options and provide unbiased advice for you with no strings attached!
I know what it’s like to be afraid of your computer! When I bought my first IBM PC in 1983 and turned it on the first error message I got was “No ROM Basic, System Halted”! I had saved up almost $3,000 for a machine that only had two 360K floppy drives, no hard drive, no mouse, only 128K of RAM, and a monochrome monitor! Later I discovered that when you don’t insert both DOS 1.0 floppy disks you always get that error message! So, yes, I know what it feels like to think of your PC as an “enemy”!
The main reasons why I have a 5 star rating on my Google Business Listing are that I put my customers at ease. I help them learn to make better use of their computer. I put their needs first, before my own. I give them honest advice. And I do the best I can to help them save money. This is very “unusual behavior” for most computer consultants. And my customers appreciate and welcome this change!
So why do I behave like this? When I was only 2 years old, my mom noticed that something was wrong with my behavior. Many years later we discovered that it was Autism. You don’t get entirely rid of Autism, but you can overcome most of the symptoms! You might not notice that I have it now. Some of my former employers told me, “Arthur, you are too honest”! To me that was a compliment! And I love to help other people!
And this is why I have included useful articles on my website for you to read.
This is one of the many places I go to get my fill of new information: Linux Magazine