Rialto Linux Users Group (RLUG)
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If you already use Linux, or would like to learn more about it, then please create an account for this website and join us for a weekly “virtual meeting” to discuss things concerning the Linux operating system!
By the way, the distro we will be discussing most often will be the latest version of Linux Mint Cinnamon, which is derived from the latest LTS version of Ubuntu, but is more “polished” and easier for Windows 7 lovers to adopt, since it very closely resembles Windows 7!
This weekly meeting is intended primarily to assist novice computer users in getting more comfortable with using Linux Mint Cinnamon on a daily basis. Other, more advanced topics may be presented occasionally, but the primary focus will be in helping “newbies” become comfortable with LMC (Linux Mint Cinnamon) which is the best distro of Linux, in my opinion!
Meetings will be held on Tuesday nights from 6-7 pm (Google prevents me from having a meeting for more than one hour). By creating an account on this website and sending an eMail to me, expressing your interest, you will be adding yourself to my list of people to “invite” to the weekly meeting via eMail! You will be sent an invite to the meeting with an embedded link for “joining” the meeting! I’ll be using “Google Meet” to implement the meetings.
There are no “dues” or membership fees of any kind! You may donate to the cause, if you wish, by just using the general “Donate” button on this website and specify that your donation is for “RLUG”, but this is not a requirement! Everyone is welcome, whether you choose to donate or not!
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